Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

Let’s face it. As a parent, you do not know everything that you need to know to be able to help your student with their studies. While you may have had an excellent education background, there are still areas that you are not familiar with when it comes to the things that your student is learning. The syllabus changes every couple of years, and the level of difficulty of what our children is studying even at tender ages is frightening.

Without a doubt, children who are left alone to cope with their schoolwork are struggling, especially when they are competing with their peers who may be receiving help from multiple sources. Thus, parents today are increasingly considering giving their child help through hiring home tutors. Home tutors can greatly help your child by providing extra guidance with schoolwork and by providing additional practice through tuition assignments.

Some parents nevertheless decide to take matters in their own hands and try to tutor their child on their own. One of the downsides that you will see by trying to avoid having tuition, especially in countries such as Singapore, is that your student will be limited to your own knowledge. Even though you may have a great deal of it to offer, tuition will be able to specifically help your child in the areas that they are struggling the most.

When education is tough and necessary like in Singapore, tuition is a great tool because it is difficult to keep up to date with everything that our students are learning in school. For many, our education regarding certain fields of study stops after we finish school. Furthermore, we possess limited knowledge and often while we think we remember most of the information we have learned in the past and present, we will remember everything that we have ever learned about it. With the mounting responsibilities of a parent, it is hardly possible to outdo a dedicated home tutor who keeps up to date with the latest trends that are available regarding their field of study.

Home tutors are a great way to let parents sit back and allow a professional to help their student when they need it the most. They also help students with areas where the parent is not familiar or lacks knowledge about. Having tuition and assignments are crucial for the success of a struggling student and parents should seek them out quickly so that the student does not fall behind in class.

So, when you find that your student is struggling in class, don’t hold them back by only providing them with the information that you have. Instead, rely on tuition assignments to help them develop the skills necessary to be successful. Tuition will help you to provide the correct information to your student in a way that they understand it.

One of the ways you can hire a reliable home tutor is to engage an online tuition agency. Such tuition agencies often provides tutors that have the knowledge, training and education to best help your children. Select larger tuition agencies as they often handle dozens of tuition assignments daily, making them more experienced and equipped to help you.

People around the world rely on tuition to help their chilren find their way when they have strayed from the education path. Tuition is a fantastic tool that parents should rely on so that their students can prepare for the future.

Pulse Oximeter PC-60E Leads the Industry in Oximetry Applications in Dentistry


Robert Darwin

Sedation dentistry refers to the use of pharmacological agents to calm and relax a patient prior to and during a dental appointment. The pharmacological agents usually belong to a class of drugs called sedatives, which exert their action by depressing the central nervous system, specifically those areas concerned with conscious awareness. During this period of sedation, there exist significant periods of oxygen desaturation in the patient thus requiring a medical device to monitor the patients blood oxygen levels.


A medical device used by Dentists to monitor patients under general anesthesia is the Landon Medical Family Pulse Oximeter PC-60E. A pulse oximeter is a small, hand-held medical device that measures the oxygen saturation of a patient’s blood (SpO2) as well a patient’s heart rate. As opposed to measuring oxygen saturation through an invasive procedure such as a blood sample, a pulse oximeter is used as a painless and non-invasive medical instrument. Because of their ease of use, speed, and cost effectiveness, pulse oximeters are the preferred medical device for dentists in monitoring dental patients pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation during sedation. The FDA approved Fingertip Pulse Oximeter PC-60E measures SpO2 (percentage of oxygen saturation in the blood) and pulse rate with accuracy and ease. A dual-capable product, the PC-60E allows for standard adult use and optional child use through a pediatric probe attachment. Compact and portable with multiple features including on-spot measurement of blood oxygen saturation, pulse rate, Plethysmograph capabilities, an automatic 180o display change by built in orientation sensor, and the latest Organic Light Emitting Device (OLED) color display. In the dentistry, hypoxemia is recognized as a major complication of sedation. Monitoring through the use of a pulse oximeter to detect early signs of hypoxemia before the negative effects of respiratory depression is essential. is the trusted leader in providing the highest quality, lowest-cost, FDA approved pulse oximeters in the industry. Specializing in Finger Pulse Oximeter, Hand Held Pulse Oximeter, Pediatric Pulse Oximeter, or Sleep Apnea Unit Pulse Oximeter, POD’s oximeters provide physicians, healthcare professionals, and consumers accurate oximetry solutions for on-spot monitoring.

High quality, low-cost models from manufacturers like Landon Medical and others can be found at

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Pulse Oximeter PC-60E Leads the Industry in Oximetry Applications in Dentistry

By Dr. Hitesh Patel

There are some times when you having tooth pain and you can’t get into your dentist till the next day or even the next week. You are going to want know about some ways on how to ease tooth pain until you can get into the dentist. Here are some tips on what you can do to ease tooth pain until you can get into the dentist.

The first tip on how to ease tooth pain until you can get into the dentist is you will want to rinse out your mouth with warm water. Make sure that the water is warm water so you will not have more pain if the tooth that is having pain is sensitive to hot and cold. Rinsing with warm water also will help loosen lodged food. You can also try to floss to help get rid of foods it they have gotten lodged in between your teeth.

The second tip on how to ease tooth pain until you can get into the dentist is to use a cold pack on the outside of your mouth. This will help with swelling if there is any. Helping the swelling go down will help relieve the pressure that might be causing the tooth pain.


The third tip on how to ease tooth pain until you can get into the dentist is to take an over the counter pain reliever. This will help relieve some of the tooth pain that you might be having. Do not try to rub aspirin or any other pain relievers on the gums or near the tooth that is having pain. Rubbing pain relievers near your gums could burn the gum tissue causing more irritation and more pain.

The fourth tip is if you have had a filling fall out you can ease the pain until you can get into the dentist by sticking gauze over the tooth where the filling has fallen out. You can also try to use an over the counter dental cement, or even a chewed piece of sugar free gum to cover the hole. This will help protect against any debris from getting down into the nerve at the root of the tooth which can cause more pain. This will also help the sensitivity that hot and cold things can cause.

The fifth tip on how to ease tooth pain is if you have lost a crown. You can try to take a cotton swab with and apply a little clove oil on the sensitive area to help ease the pain. Try to slip the crown back over the tooth to help protect the nerve endings from debris.

All of these are tips on how to ease tooth pain until you can get into the dentist. Even if the tooth pain goes away you still need to make sure to go see your dentist. It might be something little now but if you don’t go see your dentist it could turn into something worse. The sooner you can get into see your dentist the better. Your dentist can detect the problem in the early stages and get it taken care. So I am going to say it again because it is very important! Even if the pain subsides keep your appointment with your dentist and go see him or her. It will be beneficial for you no matter what the out come is. These tips are not permanent fixes they are only temporary fixes. There is no promise that they will take away all of your tooth pain. They will help to ease tooth pain.

About the Author: Dr. Hitesh Patel, DDS, is a leading dentist in Naperville, Illinois. Dr. Patel specializes in Naperville Smile Makeovers, Dental Implants and Sedation Dentistry. Visit us for more information

or call (630) 305-7500.


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Why is medicinal chemistry important?


Jamie Francis

Put simply, medicinal chemistry also known as pharmaceutical chemistry is the discipline that keeps the future of drug discovery and development alive and kicking. Since the world began, man has found ways to keep himself safe, warm, nourished and well, and in modern history, the last of these has become the responsibility of scientists, laboratories, research organisations and pharmaceutical companies.

The drug development process is a lengthy and highly complex one; it can take several years for an idea, synthetic component or naturally occurring medicinal agent to become a drug that can be clinically trialled, rolled out across the country and administered by doctors, nurses and dentists to patients. In most cases the cost of developing a drug to treat a particular disease has to be weighed up alongside the beneficial effects it hopes to offer. Funding for research and the drug development process is therefore something that many high profile charities fundraise for and which pharmaceutical and healthcare companies have to budget for in their yearly targets.


Cost aside, medicinal chemistry is vitally important to the treatment of diseases and without it, statistics on the recovery from certain serious illnesses and overall life expectancy could quite easily drop dramatically – it really is as important as that. Without medicinal chemistry, the discovery of new and more effective drugs would simply not happen at the rate it does now, and in many cases it wouldn t happen at all, and this is quite frankly a scary prospect for the human race.

Its importance is reflected in the sheer amount of research material and resources available online and the regular demand for this. For those heads of research, directors of chemistry, and others working in the drug development process, information gathered about particular components, new discoveries, and so on, these resources are an essential way to gather information that has already been scientifically verified, thus saving a great deal of repetition and expense.

For those people, the volume of online resources is essential in carrying out vital work and discovering new drugs to keep the human race healthy in as many cases as possible. These resources are available to all who need them and often form the backbone of a revolutionary medicinal discovery.

Find out more about the importance of

medicinal chemistry

and the

drug development process

online and get access to vital resources and publications to help you with your research.

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Does oily fish reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia?


David McEvoy

People who eat a diet high in oily fish might significantly reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in later life according to research by Tufts University and published in the journal Archives of Neurology.

The diets of approximately 900 older men and women were analyzed over a period of 9 years and blood samples were taken from the participants. It was found that those who had the highest levels of DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) in their blood reduced their risk of developing dementia by around 47% and Alzheimer’s by 39% as compared to those who had low levels of DHA. The study also identified that the levels of DHA in the blood can be influenced by the liver’s ability to convert ALA or alpha-linolenic acid, into DHA but that the most significant influence on the amount of DHA in the blood was actually the amount of fish consumed. Those who had the lowest risk consumed 2 or more portions of oily fish a week. It is important to note that this study doesn’t prove that eating fish prevents dementia, but the suggestion is that eating fish does seem to reduce the risk.

The link between Omega 3 fatty acids and the brain is well known and research continues to highlight the myriad of ways that these fatty acids impact on brain health in general. One research team from Aberdeen and Edinburgh University in Scotland looked at the Omega 3 intake of around 300 people aged 64 and tested the levels of fatty acids in their blood. They found that those who had supplemented with Omega 3 showed better cognitive processing in mental speed tests and the results were directly related to the level of Omega 3 in their blood. They suggested that Omega 3 might be able to slow down the ageing of the brain itself. If this is the case then Omega 3 fatty acids might have some therapeutic benefit on people who are already suffering from dementia.

Indeed, one study in Sweden looked at the effect that Omega 3 fatty acids had on people who already had Alzheimer’s disease. They gave 89 patients a supplement containing DHA and EPA for 6 months and another 85 patients were given a placebo. There was a cross over point at 6 months where the placebo group also began to receive Omega 3. The interesting result from this study was that 32 patients who had mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease showed less of a decline whilst taking the supplements suggesting that the fatty acids might slow down the progress of the disease in the early stages.

The fatty acid connection what do we know?

DHA, along with Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA are Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish such as Salmon, Tuna, Herring, Mackerel and Anchovies. ALA on the other hand is a plant based Omega 3 fatty acid and research has shown that the ability to convert ALA into EPA and DHA is extremely limited in humans and can be even lower than 5%. This means that the only way to get enough EPA and DHA is to eat oily fish or to supplement with fish oil.

The brain is a fatty organ that depends largely on DHA for healthy structure and development. People with Alzheimer’s and dementia have been found to have low concentrations of it and the natural assumption would be that increasing the amount of DHA in the diet might have some preventative benefits. However, if there is enough EPA in the diet then the body can produce as much DHA as required so EPA is arguably the most important of the Omega 3 fatty acids. EPA is believed to be the fatty acid mostly responsible for the general functioning of the brain on a day to day basis, and as well as having anti-inflammatory properties, appears to improve the connections in the neural networks in the brain. EPA is also thought to inhibit the activity of the enzyme phospholipase A2 and over-activity of this enzyme has been linked to neurotoxicity and death of brain cells, a feature of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.


It is too early to say conclusively whether eating more fish or supplementing with fish oil can actually help to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease or whether it might slow down degeneration and ageing of the brain but the indications are that it certainly has some influence on brain health, which isn’t surprising given that the brain is composed mostly of fat and relies on the omega 3 fatty acids to develop and function properly.

What is known is that fish oil does offer protection against a number of health conditions, including heart disease, circulation problems and even depression so at the very least, supplementing with concentrated fish oil is a convenient way for anyone to boost their physical and mental health in general.

Dave McEvoy is an expert in

omega 3fish oil

EPA with over 20 years experience; for more information about fish oil and how it can help please come and visit our site.

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